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Spinal Decompression

SPINAL DECOMPRESSION THERAPY is a leading nonsurgical alternative for disc related syndromes of the lumbar and cervical spine. It gently stretches the spine, relieving pressure from the discs, joints and muscular tissues, while enhancing the body’s natural healing process.


There are 3 main phases of the therapy


1. Treatment

2. Stabilisation of Structure

3. Support of Muscular System


The gentle distractive forces of the Triton table creates decompression. This unloading with the proper positioning helps to improve blood flow and important nutrient exchange in the injured area.


Your comfort and safety are of primary importance during DTS Spinal Decompression Therapy. Therefore, unlike any other decompression device, you have several positioning options. Only if you’re

100% comfortable will you be able to achieve the ultimate objective of complete rehabilitation of your discs and spine. During DTS Therapy, you’ll experience several cycles of stretch and relaxation, which gently graduates to a peak over a period of several minutes.


Therapy sessions typically last around 20 minutes, and most patients feel pain relief with as few as 6-10 treatments. It is important to remember however, that pain subsiding does not infer that your discs and spine are healed, so it’s critical that patients stick with the treatment protocol prescribed by their practitioners in order to achieve the full value of DTS Therapy.


DTS Spinal Decompression Therapy is a pain-free alternative that has shown a very high rate of success at reducing or even eliminating back and neck pain. If you suffer from chronic, debilitating, low back or neck pain, call our office today to make an appointment to see if you’re a candidate for Spinal Decompression Therapy.


Our office is dedicated to offering the latest, state-of-the-art therapies for treating pain in the low back and neck, sciatica, pinched nerves, and bulging or degenerative disc diseases. We believe DTS Spinal Decompression Therapy to be a very safe, non-surgical and pain-free alternative.


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